HDSI Has the New Homeowners List You Need in Portland, OR

New Homeowners List Portland OR

Using a new homeowners list from HomeOwner Data Services, Inc. (HDSI) is a great way to market your business in or near Portland, Oregon. We have a proven track record of success in helping businesses launch successful direct marketing campaigns by giving them address information for the prime demographic within their service area – individuals who have just purchased a new home. Other residents of a business’ service area – renters, existing homeowners, those looking to “flip” houses, etc. – are much less reliable targets, because they have less reliable income, are already established in the area, or may not even plan on taking up residence. New homeowners have established good credit, are often new to the area, and are ready to spend money. That’s why a new homeowners address list is such a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their customer base.

Many question whether a direct mail marketing campaign can still be effective in this age of digital communication. Yet, printed materials circulated through the postal system remain an effective marketing strategy for Portland, OR, businesses, because:

  • It’s more personal – Those who receive mail addressed to them by name perceive it to be a much more personal approach than anonymous e-mail blasts and other digital marketing efforts.
  • It works – According to prominent marketing strategists, direct mail remains the primary lead-generation tool for many businesses, and, as an industry, direct mail continues to experience growth despite the proliferation of digital alternatives.
  • There’s less competition – As more and more businesses sign on for digital marketing campaigns, the ability for you to reach your target audience through a printed direct marketing campaign is much easier.

To get a list of new homeowners in the Portland, OR, area, contact HDSI today.