New Homeowner Information is Key to the Success of Your Next Marketing Effort in San Antonio, TX
New homeowner mailing lists are like gold for businesses in the San Antonio, Texas, area, and HomeOwner Data Services, Inc. (HDSI) provides the most reliable address lists on the market today. Businesses that partner with HDSI know that they will receive only the most accurate data from us, because we take the extra step of removing all names and addresses that do not belong to a new homeowner from the list before we give it to you. That way, you can be sure that your company is only marketing to people who offer the best chance at needing your business.
It all starts by gathering information from warranty deeds at county courthouses. However, this data can contain a lot of information that is not relevant to you, such as people who are not legitimate new homeowners. Businesses marketing in San Antonio, TX, can count on HDSI to provide lists that contain only new homeowner information and not:
- Refinancers – Homeowners who are already established in the community statistically spend much less money than new homeowners and are less receptive to your marketing message.
- Remodelers – These individuals only purchase a home with the goal of quickly updating and reselling it. Therefore they won’t likely become long-term customers.
- Renters – They tend to move within a familiar community, and have already established relationships with vendors in the region.
Conversely, a new homeowner is ready to spend money at local businesses as they set up their new home in your target area, meaning they make ideal targets for your direct marketing campaign.
For more information about the different kinds of new homeowner mailing lists that HDSI can provide for your advertising efforts in the San Antonio, TX area, contact HDSI today.