About Us

Founded by George O’Neil and Ray Henry, Homeowner Data Services, Inc. started with one simple concept; to provide a low cost method for businesses, churches, and healthcare professionals to reach out to new families in their area. More than two decades later, we’re still leading the industry with this same great concept!

Our average clients receive a list of 50-75 potential new customer leads every month. If only one new customer comes from that list, the HDSI service has paid for itself! And we know if you’ll take our advice, you’ll generate much more than just one new customer!


It’s simple. Combine a generous offer with your direct mail piece. You are only mailing to a small group, so double your normal offer! If you normally offer 15%, make it 30%. If you normally offer $10 off make it $20!

Every name on your mailing list represents a new customer, and these new customers are looking for a deal. Make it a great one, and they’ll likely be YOUR new customer.

about_1Subscription Service – Weekly/Monthly

It’s easy! All you have to do is select the geographical region (zip codes and/or counties) that you want to market to, and Homeowner Data Services, Inc. will supply the new homeowner data to you in a format that suits your needs.

Our Services

Why Choose Us

What sets us apart is our passion for direct marketing, and decades of experience in understanding how quality data and the ‘perfect mailing list’ can rapidly expand your growth potential. We understand that quality data = quality results, and we’ve made it our goal to provide the most accurate and reliable lists on the market.