New Homeowners Mailing Lists Available to Effectively Market Your Business Anywhere in the United States

New Homeowners

If you’re looking to market your business to new homeowners within your service area, then HomeOwner Data Services, Inc. (HDSI) can provide the mailing lists you need. We have helped countless businesses across the country that wanted to engage an effective direct mail advertising campaign that would target this ideal demographic with pinpoint accuracy. Whether you want to get your message into the hands of a few new homeowners in a small geographic area, or are looking to reach many home buyers across a much larger region, HDSI is here to help.

Using a proprietary data-cleansing system, we glean our information from county deed records, removing any:

  • Renters, because they tend to be less rooted and, therefore, less likely to become long-time customers
  • Refinancers, since they are already established in the community and may be less receptive to your message
  • Remodelers – commonly called “flippers” – because they purchase homes without intending to live in them, and therefore aren’t interested in establishing a relationship with your business

With address information for new homeowners in your region in hand, you will be able to effectively grow your business by reaching those who are ready to become your next customers. We can provide the information you need on a regular basis, enabling you to always stay ahead of your competition by reaching homeowners as soon as they move in. Or, we can provide the information when you need it most – at that time of year when your services are most relevant.

To learn more about our new homeowners lists and how they can go to work for you, contact HDSI today.