Medical Providers
Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Hospitals, Veterinarians and other Medical Services
It might not be at the top of their list, but new homeowners will quickly begin to look for new medical professionals. Medical related businesses are often referral based; but when people are new to a community they don’t yet know anyone to give them referrals. This is where our service gives your practice an advantage.
It’s simple. Combine a generous offer with a professional direct mail piece. You are only mailing to a small group, so double your normal offer! If you normally offer 15%, make it 30%. If you normally offer $10 off make it $20! Be creative with your offer and find what works for your practice.
One Dental practice offered a free teeth whitening service. And of course, while the new homeowner was in the office, they made appointments for their entire family to have their annual check-up.
Every name on your mailing list represents a new customer, and these new customers are looking for a deal. Make it a great one, and they’ll likely be YOUR new customer. Of course, we understand that many homeowners have insurance for your practices, but we’ve seen great success in connecting practices just like yours to new homeowners in your area.